Thursday, June 19, 2008

Grave Digging

Hey everybody. I hope everything is going well. I am at work on my fifth consecutive 11pm to 7am (graveyard) shift at the main desk of Iowa State's Memorial Union. Here are a few observations:
*Both Radiohead's In Rainbows and Panda Bear's Person Pitch sound really, really good echoing in empty, vaulted, seasoned hallways.
* just posted all three seasons (1960, 1961, and 1962) of the Alfred Hitchcock Hour program for free viewing. They're pretty intense. Mr. Hitchcock does little bits before and after commerical breaks that are dark and halarious. The very first episode has a now-famous actor whose name rhymes with Gobert Bedford.
*The night custodial staff at the Memorial Union have some interesting stories and perspectives on life and I am in the better for having heard them.
*Booking agents generally do not return emails during the hours of 11pm and 7am central time. To be honest, no one really does--and they are in the better for it.
*Sleeping during the day is difficult when windows are not covered by blankets or sheets and when the body is not under the influence of perscribed muscle relaxers that are better at being sleep aids than their intended purpose.
*If someone really loves you, they (she in this case) will send you (me in this case) a half-asleep text message at 3:17am to tell you just that.
Speaking of booking agents, the M-Shop stuff is going pretty well. I have run into some disappointments, mostly because 195 Iowa State students and/or others would likely not pay $32 each to see an artist that will be opening for Sir Elton John in Europe coming up here--I do not blame them, I blame the bad luck. At times I feel that I am too ambitious in my hopes and band selection and I should accept the fact that some bands are just too big for the M-Shop. That's a hard realization for me because I really do love the venue and I would love for any of you to visit me there sometime. Thanks.
Hey! Next week I get to go to Pennsylvania with Rachel and the gang (her family--I thought Rachel and the gang sounded cool). We will be away for about a week and we hope to visit my old haunts in the District and Hershey, Pennsylvania, the place where chocolate was invented (by "chocolate" in this case I mean American, mass produced chocolate...not that there's anything wrong with that*). I'm pretty excited.

###Political Part!!!!###
As most of you probably already know, I am not a huge fan of Senator John McCain. But honestly, besides his riding around in a bus called the "Straight Talk Express" (which I believe is fueled by the tears of Iraqi children and bullshit), his denouncement of America's use of torture on anyone as a result of his own imprisonment an torture during the Vietnam War followed by his recent vote against a bill that would outlaw torture by the United States, and his overall dickitude, he is not that bad, right? Oh, and then there is his anger issues. Oooooooook. I can hear the opponents to my views now--"you crazy liberals using 'facts' to try to 'prove things.' I hear Barak HUSSEIN Obama," (this being yelled with incorrect pronunciation, obviously), "is a Muslim!" (also pronounced incorrectly) (and possibly yelled by Iowa Representative Steve King). Everybody knows that all black people with non-European names are Muslims--that's just a no brainer, people. I really do think that it is sadly halarious to think that with nothing but his Christian pastor Jeremiah Wright and Christian preacher Michael Pfleger on the 24-hour news networks as well as the major networks, people still believe that Senator Obama is a Muslim. Ha ha...mmmm.
I hope your summers are going well and that I will be able to catch up with you at some point over the summer. Maybe party in Ames some weekend--you come, we drink beers, we smile, fun, yes?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

7/25/2008 10:49 PM  

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