Tuesday, May 23, 2006

My dad's cousin Anne has a dog that is bigger than me. It wasn't really frightening or anything, but it was really big. His name is Fred. So that was a fun part of when Rachel and the folks came to D.C. to visit. Everything wrapped itself up nicely as far as the internship and such and it is good to find myself back in a place where there is a bit of familiarity, though, I do miss being able to walk for hours and not see the same thing twice.
I have a week and almost a half in at my new job as a First Gear employee. Random warehouse and office work can be interesting. I just hope it stays that way for the continuation of the summer.
Rachel's going to be going to Iowa State next year which is cool because I'll get to save on gas money...

...and we'll get to see eachother more which is the more important of the two. So all in all, everything is going really well.

And now (drumroll) the political part! If I was an illegal immigrant that has not been in the country for five years, I think that I would turn myself in so that I would get sent back to the country of my origin in order to apply for a temporary work visa of which I would not be assured. I know that that sounds stupid, but we now have two Senators proposing this for illegal immigrants in the country for 2-5 years. We could go with the House majority proposal to file criminal charges for all illegal immigrants and send them back to the countries from which they came. The rhetoric of these arguments is really funny. "They only make up 25% of the labor force in some sectors." "They're all terrorists and if we let one more illegal immigrant into the country (even from Canada) we're all going to get the *expletive* bombed out of us." "They just run over the border to steal benefits out of our tax money." "We need to secure the border because the Mexican government is ordering its military to run drugs across our southern border." "Let's build a wall!"

25 cents out of a dollar may not seem like much, but one fourth of the workers in some sectors is a very large number of workers, not to mention the sectors that are closer to 50% illegal labor. They are all terrorists...that sounds like I'm being Dicked (Dick: verb, to speak in the maner of Dick Cheney, the act of being a demogogue). All illegal immigrants cross the border in order to get the wonderful free health care in America, in a time in which so many Americans do not even have health care? Also, I would like to think that there are at least 9-17 illegal immigrants that cross the border in order to earn money for their families, or have other various reasons besides sternendejer ("stealing our jobs") or stealing our tax benefits--protection from terror? Well it looks like that's what most of our money is going for. The next quote came from the roommate from the previous blog. I don't think I need to agrue much against this one. It's pretty obvious that it is a Fox Propoganda Channel exclusive. "Let's build a wall!!!!" A wall? Are you serious? The greatest wall ever made, the Great Wall of China, currently has trouble keeping the rabits out. Other famous walls: the Berlin Wall--that went over well. Pink Floyd's The Wall--much better reviews than the Berlin Wall, but think of the premise of the story, man builds wall around himself to block all outside world and thought...

Thanks for sticking with this one. It got long, but we got through it. Have a great day and if you want to discuss any of this stuff, just send me an email or something and we can have a dialogue, the way it's meant to be.

Have a great day.


Blogger Unknown said...

We don't need no education...

5/23/2006 10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you told me to have a GREAT DAY twice. You told Me to HAVE A GREAT DAY TWICE.

5/24/2006 9:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.

7/20/2006 3:10 PM  

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